67' 318 crank in a 69' 340
OK, I see. I ran over a bunch of common rod and piston combo's with the OP in a PM to see; nothing was exactly on the 318 standard bobweight. Here are those combo's:
Comparing bobweights in approximate numbers:
- Stock early 318 is 2147 grams
- Put in the KB pistons but use the original 340 rods and you end up with 2160 grams.... a tad heavy; the rods could be ground a bit to get there but that is some work and cost
- Put in the smaller 318 rods with the KB167 pistons and you end up with 2105 grams; now you can take weight off of the crank
- Just for grins..... the bobweight for the KB167's and the SCAT rods like we used is 1893 grams.... that is a LOT of weight off of the rotating assembly.