Stop in for a cup of coffee

Get It!! If there are no other strings attached.

I will never understand women. Having more credentials could result in you bringing home more money, why wouldn't she be in favor of that??

haha I got to hit Disagree
Yep, more edumacation will do ya good later.
I thought I had a good gig. Worked my way up from dock worker to Facilities Service Manager over 2 sites in a 27 year career. No degree. After (several) company buyouts/management changes, the tides turned and I was out. Finally got in the door at another place that looked very promising. Lot of growth expected. I was the only maint guy, but would eventually run the dept. Nope, they closed the doors last spring . Out again. Now I'm back to mechanic again. Wife has had numerous med issues over the years so never any savings to speak of. Blew up all my retirement/reserve funds in the transitions. It is what it is, and I'm moving forward again, but IF I had a piece of paper to back me up, I likely would have been back to work much quicker and at a much higher rung on the ladder.