1965 Barracuda Door Trim... What a Pain

So this all started when I bought this car. I noticed both door trim pieces were cracked but they were still there. I was told they were rare and hard to find. A few weeks later. I took my car to a shop to have them see why my car kept dying. They broke one of them. Accidents happen. Lucky one popped up on ebay so I bought it right away. It was not the rigiat color for my car, so it needed to be painted with a clear coat. Had a tough time matching the paint with so many close colors. Sherman Williams Auto paint had it. I had my painter paint it up. 3 screws... Seems easy enough? Not even close. I wanted to smash it 10 times over. It would not seat right. 1 screw would sit well and the other 2 would not. It was not lining up on the dash either. Frustration! Here is what I did that worked in the end.
1. Took out the screws from the car where the trim would go.
2. Took out the top piece of trim also so I could get the lip under it.
3. Started from the bottom screw and worked my way up. - Presto all 3 screws in.

Now just to get the top back in. Easy right? Nope!

4. Had to take out the back trim to get the top back in. - 2 screws
5. The top would not slide back in like it came out. It popped back in with a few taps. 5 screws to put back.
6. Put the back piece back on.

Only took a few hours to figure this all out. But what a pain in the ***. Photos below.