2012 patriots onesey

we got some friends that we have known for ever
my wife went to school with them and they stood in our wedding

shortly after us, they got married aswell

long story short, they got to that staged where they figured 2 wasnt enough and they wanted a little one

our first had just been born at that time and me and the missus made a trip to boston and since my buddy is a big patriots fan, i bought a patriots onesey for when they got their baby
(this was back in 2012)

well, it just never happened for them
i carried that onesey with me through 2 moves
in fact, last January i was packing up the kids room and i came across it again
i asked the wife if i should get rid of since it didnt look like this was gonna happen again

she gave me "the look" and said, when we stop praying for them, you can get rid of it

so, i packed it up and took put it in the kids closet in our new house

then yesterday we had a doctors appointment for the wife, who is now 16 weeks along with our third and guess who we run into there with their first ultrasound pics in their hands?

we're all going out to dinner tonite and i cant wait to give em the onesey and tell em what i just told allayall