I’m getting a 2017 5.7 truck engine.

Ebay kept looking different places. I really don’t want to say how much. I just saved money. I have been eating on the cheap a lot to save money though. I still have so many things that need attention on the vehicle. Need to get rid of the 71/4 rear. I have an 83/4 housing and LBP axles but still need ubolts shock plates and the pumpkin and brakes for it and brake lines. I still need a efi gas tank. I do have a new gas tank that I should sell to fund the other tank. Front end needs so much attention. It has 9in drums no good for the engine I’m putting in. So I pretty much need all new brakes system all around. The torsion bars might work for awhile but I’ll eventually have to replace. I have a 727 transmission but would like a 46RH instead.
Sounds like a heck of a project. I've not done a swap like that but it seems prices have become more reasonable lately. Best of luck with the project.