Two blowers 671and 871

I translated it on Google.

"I took both of my automobiles to a local gathering of vehicles, commonly referred to as the Grand Showing of Automobiles.
One of my vehicles is painted the hue of a ripe apple, and has a powerful engine with a large forced induction intake system.
The other is a beautiful shade of yellow, similar to that of a golden finch. It is also very powerful and has a slightly smaller forced induction system on it.
Although both of my vehicles were clean, looking fit and un-burnished, the nefarious clan of the Chevrolet's was too much to overcome. I gave it all I had, but sadly, I was unable to be victorious at said show."

I am forced to bow (Lean the top part of your body forward in acknowledgement of superiority) to your astute interpretation of the post. Astounding!! Very eloquent!! Eye kould hav dun iit mi-self butt eye ain't soo goode ate trunslating bunglish.
