Bleeding the fuel line...

Yeah, I caught it. AFTER getting it started (that day), and finding it leaking fuel and finding FROM WHERE ... at that time it made sense to me WHY it wouldn't pick up the fuel and start. The pump was sucking too much (only) air.

So yeah ... I'm running the tank down (again), but now I'm scared to run it out of gas. Because even with a gas can with me, it would NOT pick up the fuel with that cracked fuel line, and I'll be left sitting on the side of the road. So, I'm just going to run it down to about 10% left (as best I can figure), and hope I don't take an ethanol-free bath.

At least when idling and sitting still, it's not leaking any more. I'm guess it was leaking pretty heavy before because when I filled the tank, the fuel level was above the cracked fuel line, so the weight of the fuel was pushing gas up the line. And with a crack there, it pushed it out the crack when the rest of the line was full. Now the fuel level is down, so it's not pushing it up the fuel line. I'm going to put about 175 miles on this tank. That should be low enough.
