Professional products balancer: which weight for magnum

There should only be three different LA and Magnum engine balancer weights needed, and two are already outlined in those instructions for LA 360s (all except Magnums) and for cast crank 340s. That leaves 91013 for Magnum 360s regardless of year, from 92 on. I suspect they either intended to say except 5.2 Magnum, which is neutral balance, or intended to exclude the NON magnums. This happens all time with parts from overseas and details lost in translation. Put on the 91013 and see how it feels. You'll know right away if it's wrong, but it won't be bad enough to cause damage during testing. Also, it probably only goes up to 1997 because they never updated there instructions or because they don't know when the factory changed to an integrated pulley/damper setup.