massive reconfiguration time again.

I had a few hours to play today. Had the driver-side spindle off and started with the p-side. Right off the bat, upper ball joint gave me a ruff go *&^$@/#! Fifth time was a charm *,^/#$! On the other hand when I went at the K-frame bolts I didn't wanna mess around. So, I went and grabbed a 4ft piece of pipe and slipped it over my breaker bar- dammit! They were so loose I could have taken them off with a 6" hand ratchet. The grill, fenders, and doors came off with out much drama. My time is going to get screwed off tomorrow, but I'm sure I should be able to get supplies to start cutting on the roll bar. Need to get the steering column windshield and all that wiring and break stuff out of the motor compartment. That will be next...