It will be what it will be, as far as time slips. I had more fun doing 14.2 ta 14.4 with that pink 318 and not worrying about expenses. This reconfiguration is about comfort and clean up. The drive train is a proven 11.5 to 11.7 combo (should be 10.9 to 11.1). I'm taking out the race seats, roll bar, and the lightweight doors. And adding a full interior with dyno mat, stock doors (+ 50lbs each), and a $40 hood to cut a hole in. I'm going to ad 500 lbs and enjoy a 12.2 in comfort. Witch in turn should make me want to go to the track more often? Besides I have a reputation to protect - in the last three winters previous I did 10 different changes each winter and didn't know what did what. It's how I roll :realcrazy: