Stop in for a cup of coffee

There's that damn like button. Dang Dave. You have been through hell and back. I just fell out of a semi trailer and landed flat on my ***. Didn't do my lower back any good.
Any back injury is bad and the pain is like no other.

In my case, add on my knees that I tore the meniscus out of 10 years ago in Memphis after getting tangled up in a garden hose coming down off a ladder and spent a month in a wheelchair, 6 months with a walker and another year walking with a cane. Between my knees and my back, if I ever stop moving...I may never move again.

My warranty is way past up. But I'm not done fighting to keep moving and doing the things I want to do. They tried to put me on permanent disability back in Memphis but there was no way I was going to ever let that happen as long as I can still fight the pain and keep going. I'm not ready to lay down yet.