massive reconfiguration time again.

That's a good one? Smoking pot? You know usually when someone is pointing the finger there's three pointing back at get them? In the time that you been talking about that two-step I've purchased one mounting it on my steering wheel then mounted it on the floor then mounted on an automatic shifter when we built that different motor and transmission for the car and now it's (2 step) out of the car and will probably be back in before your snow melts LOL and now a flat tire?boy, the "REASONS" just keep rolling in LOL :poke:

What??? This is what happens when you smoke pot while working on your car.

My junk is ready. I'd even run it with out the 2 step. Need to check on that this week. I can turn the key and drive my roach right now. Well...when the rest of the snow melts.