Camber setting with moog eccentric bushings

I am confused. I think I have my upper control arm bushings installed for maximum caster but when adjusting the cams for max caster I can't get any negative camber or zero camber. I replaced the entire front suspension and was going to eyeball align it just to get it to the shop but ran into this problem. The arm definitely moves toward the rear of the car when adjusting for max caster but then I have a lot of positive camber (top of tires out further than bottoms). Same for both sides. Top pic is front side of right control arm and 2nd pic is back side. Are these installed correctly for max caster? Ride height was set almost level with back. Lower control arm pivots and struts tightened after car was on wheels on the ground. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help, I only got this far with help from the board already20171108_174032.jpg 20171108_174015.jpg