408 Stroker Short Block Details: Blueprint Engines
Getting down to the nitty gritty, spent a ridiculous amount of time working on the throttle hookup. Started with a Lokar 84" cable and their kickdown cable kit, oh yeah, supposed to be the ticket......nope, it'll hook up and function, but response was sluggish and was unable to get wot, the cable not rigid enough. Need a push pull. So for now to get good throttle response and pedal feel I'm now using about 5' of rod from a custom fab'd bell crank back to a 3' section of the Lokar cable (inserted in a 5/16" tube in order to keep the cable from compessing into a snake under the pressure to get to wot) up to carb, all brackets, guides etc. fab'd what a nightmare. Got it though. Trans cooler brackets fab'd and mounted, pulleys, fan, alt installed, relay and assorted cables hooked up. Fuel lines insulated, starter wiring harness made and insulated. Canton overflow tank mounted
Mostly wiring just left now: battery hookup, line lock, fuel pump, trans cooler fan, ignition, couple switches and all the new Stewart Warner gauges.