can/has it been done?? home made headliner...

So again it's one of those projects were just getting easier and easier and I'm thinking why was I worried about this not working. I think I'm having an automatic transmission flashback here. But actually that automatic transmission was easier it was just replacing parts. This lets a little bit of my craftsmanship abilities to be released. I mean with the transmission again it's just replacing Parts this is a lot of fitting and tolerances and stuff like that. Anyways I'll post another picture here without the duct tape on the face side because I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that only can see the duct tape and not see the true beauty. Like in the duct tape was never anything but idevice to temporarily fit. Actually once it was up there all night long and I loosened up the screws and all the tape and hung there in shape nicely just by the seat belt bolts.