Net neutrality affecting Fabo?

I agree with Blu most of the time.
When it comes to A and E Bodies there's little doubt he has the experience to back up his posts.
This one I just happen to disagree with most people that only know what they get second hand at best. That is to say they do not work in the industry for either an ISP or a Content provider. They only hear what is reported by the purely objective sources that have no self interest in regulating someone else's business... Like Google or other content providers.
Yes the same content providers that are pushing hardest for Net Neutrality.
The Billion Dollar corporations that are only looking out for the best interests of consumers.

Google anything that Google has a position on and see how many hits come back with the opinion they oppose. Is it on the first page? How many pages do you have to go through to get to even 1 source that they oppose? They give you the content they want you to see.
They give you that content first and sometimes only that content.
Should the Government tell them every other answer must be from opposing views?
I don't think so. It's part of living in a Free society.
It's their search engine. Don't like it? Use someone else. That is how a free market works.

If you believe everything on Wikipedia I have news for you. Anyone can edit that content.

It should only take 4 or 5 pages to put reasonable regulations on ISP's not 400.
400 means there is a ton of crap that only a room full of lawyers can decipher.

But I really don't have any strong opinions on this subject either way... :)

The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of any company or corporation in any way.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Now go enjoy some internet because tomorrow it will be the stone age again, back to dial up!
