Opinions Please.....

ive been on both sides of this issue and it really comes down to the parents
kids dont cry unless they have their parents trained

funny story, ive been out a restaurant once, a few years ago and i think my kids were 6 and 3 at the time
well the 6 year old had done something wrong, wrong enough that he wasnt going to get away with it so i took him out to the restroom (i never discipline my kids in sight of others)
i did not realize however, that the walls were made out of cardboard
now, keep in mind, the offence was not hear by anyone in the restaurant BUT every slap and every cry after that was

when we walked out of that restroom, i could feel every person in that place giving me the stare, and by the time i made it back to the booth, the wife had allready asked for the bill

as for the fact the serve alcohol
thats a toughy
we go to applebees after church sometimes, and there have been times we have had visiting preachers or missionaries with us who wouldnt darken the door of any place that sells alcohol and we would just go to ihop next door
but when we go to applebees there are usually at least half a dozen kids, some todlers, babies
you wont hear anything out of line

on the other hand, there is a town we used to visit about once a month, and there were two mexican restaurants there
both decent but one had every single inch of the wall covered with alcohol commercials, the other one was "dry"
that one was just to big to ignore so we always went to the dry one