Install a Tremec T56 Magnum in your A-body

I don't really care. I was just offering known advise. It's a good setup used within its limits. I was highly advised by several NOT to use this transmission behind my LS3 because of the power it makes. More than or as much as some 440s. I have a smallblock cuda's the only reason I'm here,,, and maybe a decent deal on parts now and then. If you hammer it behind a good 440 or a lot of power, you will break it. Also replaced several hydraulic clutch setups over the years. Not good for long term,unless your ride sets in a garage. But whatever, I'm just tryin to help. Just remember if yo take my advice on power you'll be fine. If not I'll never know, but that little voice in your head will keep sayin, he told you so...
I’m not sure if you read my reply. Totally different transmission! Not comparable! For what it’s worth, I have been doing this for 40 years!
The MAGNUM is the transmission that is behind all the high horsepower cars. ZL1, ZR1, SRT, CTSV.
Your advise was about the T56.... NOT the MAGNUM.
I suppose your LS3 is making somewhere in the 400-500 HP range.
My smallblock is dynod at 615 HP. This transmission is rated in excess of 700HP and 700 ft/lbs of torque.
Hydraulic clutches are just fine, if you set them up correctly. Most failures are a result of poor installations.
You gotta do your research, you need to make sure the things you say are accurate and appropriate to the existing conversation.
ALL of your comments are inaccurate, and incorrectly applied to the WRONG transmission, and apparently you STILL don’t see that.
Good luck all the same. TJ