Install a Tremec T56 Magnum in your A-body

I have personally installed LS9s, LS7s, LSAs, LS1s, 2s, and 3s. I've installed some healthy LSXs, and a couple of brutes from Mast. I've used TKOs, T56s and the Magnum transmissions. I didn't just hear someone talk about it. I've done it. I made a living at it.
Does stuff break? Sure. I've seen about any transmission out there broken at one time or another. I've also seen more broken mechanical clutch linkages than you will ever work on.
What you are implying is wrong. Your passive aggressive attenpts at insults are weak and uncalled for. Please, either be constructive or just leave this thread.
Yes.... what HE SAID!!! AMEN! Pass the Tylenol.