tunnel ram

Let em keep laughing. You can get 400+ hp with a tunnel ram and it looks totally BAD AZZ!!!
I don’t know who this clown is but I ain’t laughing at you.

Hey just because these ladies don't have the cojones to put a dual quad tunnel ram on their car doesn't mean you shouldn't too?! I did it, with a low compression 318 and dropped a half second at the drag strip right in everybody's face, when they said I couldn't! just like they're doing to you now. No I've had a dual quad setup since I've started this motor and haven't regretted sense and love it just like what's his name there said it's badass and always will be and always was! I say do it! And why the heck are you letting these guys call your 340 low-powered?
Ummmm, you calling me a lady?
Are you including me in the “nay sayers club?”
IMO, 400hp is low powered. Besides eye candy, I do t see any sense in spending for 2 carbs and an intake he does t have to make the power sought.
hope this helps
It does by a ton. That intake is 400hp capable.