
I am still wondering how a Boeing 747 keeps from blowing the wipers off in the wind. Do military jets have windshield wipers?

Some military jets do. EA-6B Prowler comes to mind. However, that aircraft is subsonic. Very fast military jets use bleed air off the engines to "blast" away rain while on the ground or perhaps slow flight.
Why they don't blow away at 500 mph, I don't know. I see in pictures that the wiper arms are horizontal. I wonder if they are parked vertical during flight, inline with the airflow?
Heard a story one time, a senior airline captain was on his last flight. An FAA check airman was onboard performing his required check of the captain abilities. FAA guy asks: "What is the airspeed limit for operating the windshield wipers?" The captain irritated by such a trivial question on his final flight, reached over and turned ON the wipers. The onrushing airflow rips the wipers from the aircraft. The captain sardonically replies, " something less than 460 knots."