Been A While

Dang skippy! Sounds like that place has more drama than a high school cheer team!! :D
Yes, there is, lol.
One of my friends who was the top welder and fastest welder in the shop even quit several weeks after they let me go. The production manager started targeting him and saying he was a terrible employee and stuff that wasn't anywhere near the truth. He quit and went to a another shop for like $3-4 less an hour just to get away. He was there as long as I was.
Another friend was fired for "forging documents" after signing QA initials on a toe tag to move a part to another dept. All it was was an 1/8" plug weld. Our supervisor did it all the time. He had put his 2 weeks in as they just used that to fire him so he couldn't claim unemployment or something.
The management at the shop has always been terrible and they just can't see it.