1962 valiant shifter change

Obviously! Was hoping someone out there had something like what you sent me in diagram or picture form showing the entire unit together installed. I wonder if Chrysler would have something available. Don't want to spend $60 or more on a manual that I will only open, look at 1 or 2 pictures and never look at again. I have the original 1962 manual aka Bible that has no reference to our conversation which to me makes no sense. It talks about the /6, 318 poly and the 361 engines and the B bodies that did come with a floorshift yet no description, diagram! Hate when that happens. SO CLOSE YET SO FAR AWAY!
Then I would try starting another thread titled "Calling all '60-'61 Toads-Need Pics", or something to that effect, that will get owners of such's attn.