273 302 318 340 build

Not much shop time this weekend but off till Friday so hope to get out there before then. Had a fambly get together today so spent yesterday baking (Lori laid up from surgery) and at function today. Here is my 95 year old Gramma with my 2 week old granddaughter Aubrielle(grammas great great granddaughter)
Got home and ran to shop as tomorrow is gonna be a bitter ***** with -17 predicted and minimal heat in shop lol.
Mic'd all rod journals in 3 different spots and then again 90* apart. So essentially 6 times each or of rod journals. Much easier and more accurate then the previous way I did it with the crank standing on end.
All journals measured at 2.1040".
So very happy to see that. With those #'s though compared to numbers i have from rod bearings (measured with bore gaug and verniers) there is some excessive clearances. I will chalk that up to my limited use and skill of bore gauges. Way easier to use outside mic.
Plastigage this week.
Here' the "goldengirls"
Thanks all

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