Small block 904 vs /6 904, any difference to drive shaft length?

Hi all, swapping from a slant 6 in my 75 duster to a 360, will run a 904. Want to know if there's any difference to drive shaft length in the two set ups? I heard somewhere that the slant 6 904's had a shorter tail shaft, is that right? I don't have a spare small block 904 to measure to check.
A904's the same length 8 or 6, A&F-body A833's only are the same length as 904's, & some have the smaller 904 dia. tailshaft, some the larger 727 dia. tailshaft. As long
as You've got the appropriate frt. slip-yoke for the tailshaft & U-joint combo the prop-shaft will be fine. As already stated, changing diffs is another matter tho'.................