DA Problem

Everything else I hook up works fine. I'm pretty sure the sander just uses too much air.
I tried it for a while yesterday with the regulator wide open. It still slows down about the same as before.
I have a 3/8 air hose I can use. I'm going to get high flow fittings. I never used them before. Anything on this page that'll work?https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_13?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=3/8+high+flow+air+fittings&sprefix=3/8+high+flow,aps,135&crid=1Q7YB12AY8SH9
if you can't afford a bigger compressor do what I do sand it by hand it works for me. never use a air board to sand bondo all by hand block can't stand all the noise