1962 valiant shifter change

Your thread is about to rotate into page 4, so I'm guessing, nobody knows. Nor do I. But I'd like to help you figure it out.
I've built hundreds of those transmissions, but I've never seen the sticks that go with them. Yours is a doozy,lol.
But first I'd need to get sense out of your question. I read it six times and so far I'm not getting it. So, if you still need help,and wouldn't mind, can you restate the problem in different words,lol.

Whoops, I see you got it while I was typing.
Congrats, you are now officially a HotRodder

No problem! Between the shifter levers and the shifter support bracket, I kept wondering what only piece left on the bench was for. The infamous washer goes between the support and the lever. That makes up the slight space that was present of which was allowing the posts on the shifter to slide past both brackets while shifting forward or reverse and into nomans land. The best way to truly understand it is to see the system in action while driving with the top boot removed.
As soon as I saw it all in action boom the lightbulb came and I sped back to the shop and installed the infamous washer.IMG_20171210_144727.jpg IMG_20171217_131358.jpg