273 302 318 340 build

Here's a couple more pics of the rings. Rings on the left in the pics, the light colored ones are the top rings. Rings on right are darker and 2nd groove.
I can't remember to be honest which ones he said were moly. Shoulda wrote it down, but I was more concerned with the proper order.
I asked if they were standard OE specd rings and he said "no, they are high performance"
I'm not familiar with piston rings so if anything doesn't seem or look right to you by all means I'm listening.
Bingo on the 4 gaps! Brainfart here
Thanks again all, much appreciated.
OK... I have never seen a moly faced ring that was not light grey or silverish in color on the ring face.

4 gaps: 2 on the oil scrpapers and 1 each for the 2nd and top rings.


