New from pa

Sound funny? Nope! Not at all. I think it a wise move. As well as sensible. No sense jumping into something with two feet into strange waters. Finding a guy that can walk you through and show you things before you break them or screw with it is smart.

BUT! You and Dad must learn how to tune the car through and through. Carb, ignition, chassis, suspension.

I know all of this seems like a mountain of stuff before you. But that is OK. The EZ way to conquer it all is by 1 thing at a time.

Start with the ignition. Learn how the distributor you have works and where it should be set and set up.

Then the carb. Read up on it and mess around with it. See wht works and what doesn’t. Right now it is how well it drives. Later, how well it goes at the track.

On the chassis & suspension. Same thing.

Write everything down. Where you started and what you changed. This way going backwards to where you was is only a quick look to see where you have been and reinstall/change/swap back the parts.

This is where the fun begins.
You almost made me tear up thinking about all the fun me and my dad will have with this ...he always said I grew up in the wrong generation lol