Choosing a shop name

My good friend and I are closing in on retirement... so we started a 'hot rod' garage a year ago now. Up to this point we've just been working a few nights a week on these projects but this will definitely be a full time gig when the time comes. Word has gotten out and we have a growing wait list. For the most part it's just 2 of us but we have other friends that stop in and help with these projects from time to time as well.
We need a business name... something easy... the best we've come up with are these 2;
* West Coast Rod Brothers (we like 'brothers' in the name cuz our helpers are recognized)
* Old Bones Rod and Custom
We plan on making t-shirts and other goodies once we nail down the name (and artwork).
If anyone has any ideas on a name or logo or art work I'd love to hear it!

Cheers and happy new years to everyone!

Even though I'm the best person in the history of the world to come up with names :rolleyes:
the question of naming a business is always a hard one on this board.
I don't know any personal information about you, so I can't suggest anything that would have a special, sentimental meaning to you.
Others have given you good feedback on problems associated with your proposed names.

That being said, I looked up your location.
When I think of the Pacific NW, I sometimes think of the Sasquatch.

Unless that has some negative connotations among the locals there, I would suggest
Bigfoot (Brothers?) Motors ( or fill in the blank with a name of your choice).
I'm not sure what "Magster" means, but it seems like a large thing.

And monster trucks seem to be popular with the youth too.
Win Win.