Choosing a shop name

Just as an fyi... I'm not quite busted hip, depends diaper, where's my dentures, hiding my own easter eggs old yet!
In 2 years I'll be 55 and my shop partner will be 53. Plus, I'm only 'retiring' so I can take my early pension and work doing what I love doing!
My role as regional waterworks supervisor was, and still is, amazing but I want a change for my remaining working years.
I have no intention of ever 'retiring'!

Good for you man!! I pulled the pin at 54 1/2 about 2 years ago and never looked back. Retirement is like dying and going to heaven without the dying part. Sounds like you enjoy your job which is awesome, but I would humbly suggest that within about a week after leaving you will realize that all those Performance Plans, Selection Grievances (with the "People Services" morons that go with that), "engaging the key stakeholders to harvest the low hanging fruit", "Increased Granularity" (ever heard that one from the Adminisphere?) etc. etc. is pure B.S. that is killing you just a little more each day.

Best of luck with the new venture!