Graveyard Carz is on.

I know Daren, I know how Mark did him and Josh, so I refuse to watch that show anymore
Will give you an update on the show I don't know those people I've seen Josh at at the track before he seemed a little self-involved. I've met somebody or actually have a friend who's met Darren and said he seemed to be the same jackass that he was on TV. But I don't know I've never met him and I can't judge. I don't like to anyways.
But if you're to watch the show as a outside Observer who doesn't know these people, the show has completely changed. Instead of those two jackasses there's people on there now that actually help inform the public about the Mopars instead of making people who work on Mopars look like a bunch of jackasses. I think sometimes people create their own world, Darren did his, Josh did his, and Mark did hisis. And again I have no bone in your battle and respect your opinion.