Very nice work John.

Your attention to detail is extraordinary!!

I feel lazy, watching all this work you do! It looks amazing.

Thanks guys. Compared to the folks that do super realistic scenery on their railroad & racetrack layouts, this is just so-so. Still, it is a lot of fun to tinker with. I've gotten lucky with buying used stuff off of Craigslist so I could keep costs reasonable. Now that I think I've got a setup that I won't be changing for awhile I can concentrate on building some more cars. I'd like to make a bunch more reproductions of cars from various movies such as 2-Lane Blacktop (55 Chevy), Crazy Larry Dirty Mary (Charger), Bullit ('68 Charger/'68 Mustang), and others. I also want to make a few more of some of our local racers from the past.

One of the circle track trends around here is the growth of the modified classes. I found a website that sells paper 1/32 scale modified bodies. They're awful pricey though. They want about $20 bucks for one. -AND IT'S PAPER!!! Seems nuts to me but they look cool. I think I can design my own and build a few for almost free. Here are some of the images I found online of some paper modifieds:




Once I get a template figured out it should be simple do design various paint schemes. Then I should be able to print a body on heavy card stock whenever I want.