the wrong way to inflate a tire

I have to admit, I've never seen THAT. HERE is a story from "the old days."

This is the DD back around ?? 83 or so, it went between Coeur d Alene and Spokane most every day for about 4 years. Back then I was REAL poor, not just "semi poor" like I am right now

It was known "affectionately" as the Skud Missile:" ...........a low flying, poorly guided missile. ANYway, one day in Spokane on a cold rainy spring day I had a big deal, I got out the spare and went on my way. AND THEN I HAD a SECOND flat. I knew where there was a tire store a couple blocks away, and on this cold wet day I just said "screw it" and drove it several blocks on the remains of the tire to the tire store!!!! Where I proceeded to buy TWO MORE used tires!!!

This is the day it went to the junkyard. Only body damage was where I "nicked" it with the snow plow in my own yard!!

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My 70 sport fury 2 door was the same length as that!