69 Notch Barracuda - Rebirth

Hows things coming along?

Well... back in November, after spending a full day, or more, cleaning the parts for one caliper... then totaling up the replacement parts like pistons, brake hoses, shoes, etc... I've been waffling back and forth about buying modern calipers, or replacing the old parts. I have no idea if they even sell a more modern replacement caliper that bolts up to stock.

Since i have so much room in the bay, I was hoping to get the brake system in order before getting the rest of the engine put together.

Not much is happening... I'm also contemplating a natural gas garage heater. It's been super cold in MN, and I'm worried about the moisture in the garage when I burn my old propane heater. Pretty sure I saw condensation under the plastic wrap (loosely bagged) of my motor after just a couple of hours of using the heater while I worked on the caliper. Kinda freaked me out a little.