Opinions on gear drive in BB

Are you looking to run it on a drag only car? I have never run gear driven as every time I've mentioned it to the parts guys or car guys they say it's a drag only set-up as they wear out and grind down leaving metal shavings in the oil. Which of course takes its toll on the engine. Like I said I have never run one and going by what I've heard and been told. So I guess I'm asking if that info is correct.
The guys you talked to have no idea what they are talking about. Gear drives have pretty limited use in drag racing (usually blown fuel cars). Their primary application is dirt and super modified oval. Also they can run damn near forever without any wear at all. They are probably only familiar with those Pete Jackson gimmick things.

The primary reason gear drives are used actually has nothing to do with valve train accuracy (that's just a bonus). Gear drives are used to handle huge loads on the timing set. Oval and fuel motors don't look anything like what the average gear head is used to. To eliminate belts most/all accessories are direct driven. Fuel pump(s), magneto(s), water pump, oil pump, power steering pump, hydraulic ram pump, coupled with extreme valve spring pressures will stretch and snap belts and chains. Technology has caught up and now we can use belts. Much wider belts that are kevlar reinforced.