Tail stripe with body side moldings. What would you do?

While I personally agree that the tail stripe won’t look good with the side moldings, this is a lousy reason to not do it.

Who cares if people talk behind your back? It’s your car, do whatever you want. If I worried about “people talking” I couldn’t have done most of the biggest improvements to the handling of my car. Which is what I wanted, not a bunch of happy purists that I don’t know and don’t care to.

Don’t build your car to please anybody else. Build the car you want. If that means putting a stripe on it that it wouldn’t have had from the factory, rock on. If other people don’t like it, they can buy their own car and do it different.

"who cares?" It sounds like the OP cares what people think, otherwise he would not want know the opinions of others. If I was out somewhere with one of my cars and I over heard something like " boy, what he did to that car sure looks lame" well it would bother me.
Improving the handling is really a whole different thing. The OP sounds like he really wants a stripe on the car, but he is concerned about the looks given that the car has the side body molding.
I have seen a 66 Dodge Charge and a 67 Coronet station wagon with the 1968 bumblebee stripes on then and the thought that entered my mined was " boy, that sure looks lame"