71 Dart 410 stroker ..

Great.... More losses... :)
Where those OEM Valves? Or aftermarket?
Ether way.... Chit Happens with us Mopar guys! Rite?.... lol
back when I was racing a hemi, I knew a guy that blew (at last count for me) 47 rat motors. He was a .010 faster than me , but his Camaro was stripped while mine wasn`t, yeah I was probly 600 pounds heavier than him. He told me one time that it was actually 50 something rats , before he went back to fords. One of two breakages I had (TRANS EXPLOSION), and a driveshaft on the big end, I heard a remark about needing to get the car off the track. I told all of them I didn`t give a %^&* , after all the chevys we had waited on to get the track cleaned up, in 14 yrs. of racing .