Door window removal help
As mentioned above... There are plastic or nylon glides attached to the door glass, captured, traveling in the channel which is part of the vent window assembly. So large glass and vent window assembly go out and in together. Those glides have a tiny steel pin through them and holes in the edge of the glass.
In handling the weight of the glass could crack the glides in half at their pin hole. Those glides are part of a "channel run" kit ( not sold separately ). Last kits I purchased were 55 per door. So... open the vent window a bit and tape, strap, someway secure the door glass to that channel for insurance. I used a piece of strap tied in a knot, along with 2 little blocks of wood on the strap and a 3" c-clamp. The clamp served as a handle on the far side of the glass/assembly.
Remove the fastener at door glass to regulator, lift all this out. Leave regulator in the door, unbolt it and let it lay in the bottom of the door, whatever works best. I haven't reskinned a door so.... Hope this helps