Stop in for a cup of coffee

Earl's boys could get-r-dun! Just don't wash it more than twice! I think my Barracuda got a Earl-type coating.. From a distance she looks pretty good, just don't get close!
Sand it with a brick and paint it with a broom
Yessir... That's the suspect! I'm sure I could pick him out of a lineup!
With you two together, somebody is likely to be picking yas from a lineup
I'm painting all my projects going forward. I'm sure my efforts would look a **** ton better than some of the 'budget' paint jobs.. And certainly no worse than what I'm starting with..
Nothin to it
Not hard, just prep prep prep, Sand fill, sand high fill primer, sand some more, block sand. Get a good quality gun, good compressor, dryer, and go for it. If it looks bad before paint, it will look lots worse with paint.
Yep. Just those couple things. Lol