Stop in for a cup of coffee

I don't know enough about it. I just know Indiana is trying to legalize it and even my specialist has mentioned it for my neurological issues. But I can't take it while I'm still in the military. My father in law how ever, has been told by his cancer doctors at the VA that it would help treat his bone cancer he has. But right now, no place to get it legally and the VA won't prescribe it

Honestly. I don't think it's true effects have been fully studied yet.

Then there's this.
Blueberry Kush: The Berry-Scented Indica For Bedtime Bliss

We are among the few Pharmaceutical companies that are studying it and doing clinical trials in various diseases. There is a ton of legitimate research being done and it has great potential, but it’s a long way to doing conclusive clinical trials that will get it approved as a drug product.

BTW, the FDA is very supportive of the Pharmaceutical companies developing CBD and very much want us to to do it.