When your coffee maker cams harder than your race car

One beer every 20 minutes for the first three. Then a pee-break.
Then one beer every 30 minutes for two, and another pee-break.
Then a maintenance beer, every 40 minutes, until the 12 are gone, with a pee after every beer.
I don't usually make it to the last one.
Actually, the last time I did that was in 93. And I hadda carry my darling wife home, who was having a hard time crawling......................sometimes around her um well you know. She tried to keep up with me. But a 105lbs, her body wasn't having any of it.
Oh, you said "fee",I read "tip"
Well, to finish; the tip is to leave your stinking-drunk wife at the party; it's waaay easier on your back.
that sounds like a union job like a long shore man job here in the states. and I don't think you would ever leave your wife or any one behind. Your not that kind