Body Work and Paint Estimate

$ 35 an hour is inexpensive. Now multiply that by 1000 back breaking ,mind bending, dust inhibiting hours and all of the sudden it seems expensive. You are correct again.
A collision repair professional can sometimes do in 2 hours what a laymen thinks is impossible and charge that person 4 hours of labor at $70 and everybody is happy. Do that over and over for 2080 hours a year x several professional employees and you have a a well equipped well trained collision repair facility.
Charging somebody $35,000 + to restore their "baby" does understandably seem like too much.
You now need to look at the perspective of the repair professional who knows he is doing the job correct and this person is not going to trade her Barracuda in for a new one in 4 years or is just a lease vehicle but something she cherishes and hope to hand down to her children.
All of the sudden $35 an hour is a bargain.