Duster Hood Question

I think the cowl induction is a good look...and it's functional too.

Ya know what else is functional? The Ford reverse-tear drop hood. I'm all for someone adapting that to a Dart or a Roadrunner or a Chevelle...BUT if someone wanted to try this, it would do a person well to know that real car people will see a Ford styling element and may have questions. Since styling is something that's intended to be seen and make an impression, this is to be expected...and it's totally fine.

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Actually, I have a '64 Galaxie 500 XL waiting patiently in the back of my shop to be restored. I've always liked the tear drop hood and I think I'll do one on that car. It's a 390, 4 speed car so I'm looking forward to getting it back on the road. Once I'm finished with the Duster, of course.