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Good thing you guys are kidding . Costs more than that. Food grade fermenting bucket with cleaners, disinfectant, a mix of beer, brewers sugar, airlock, and a cool stir stick.
We need to talk about what is food grade and how to disinfect. Any new HDPE bucket will work and disinfecting is easy with isopropyl alcohol. HDPE is pretty much the same regardless of application and a good rinse with IPA will make them all the same. The only difference is what they use for the mold release for the plastic. Scrub it off with IPA while disinfecting and they are all the same.

Sugar is sugar as far as the yeast are concerned so no need to pay extra when plain white sugar will do just fine. Brewers sugar is just a high priced corn sugar that is primarily fructose instead of sucrose. The yeast just eat the fructose a little faster than sucrose, but in the end it is all the same to the yeast.