Choke assembly


I have what I believe to be a Holley double pumper 600 cfm (only identification numbers I could find were on the choke neck reading "LIST - 4776" and underneath that it read "0485"). Anyways my Dart came into my possession without any type of choke and at the time it sounded cool but now I am kind of liking the idea of having easier start ups. I figured I would ask around here to see if anyone had one that they pulled off of their carbs and have no intention on using again. I am thinking of most likely going with a full manual set up with this. The parts don't have to be pretty as long as they all work and fit! I don't have a lot of $$ to dedicate to this as school textbooks are expensive so if it ends up being out of my budget I will just keep on running the Dart as is.

Thank you

P.S. Any suggestions welcome! This is the first carburetor I have ever worked on and its a learning curve to get it all dialed in right.