Loyalty at all cost and 4 legs (mostly)

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Here’s our Lucy. We rescued her from the pound 5 years ago. The vet said Lucy was probably living on the street for over a year. She was so afraid of my car, I thought she would bite me when I first tried to take her home. She refused to jump in my SUV. The wife started crying because I told her I wouldn’t get bitten by the dog while I was trying to save it. The wife begged me to try picking the dog up and putting it in the car, so I did while the dog was growling the whole time. By the time we got home (5 miles away), the dog peed, pooped and vomited in the car (thanks Lucy!), but I didn’t get bit. Now she still hates the cars, but she loves us to death. She loves getting dressed up and the wife loves buying outfits for her. We got the dog for the wife, but Lucy thinks she is my wife. Her only problem is that she is overprotective of us. She bit several friends and family (usually in the ***) without any warning whatsoever. Now we keep a muzzle on her during our family/friend parties here in the summer. That’s drives her crazy - being around all that food but not being able to eat anything because of the muzzle.

Dogs who are rescued tend to be highly protected of who saved them. My last 6 dogs have all been rescues. The toughest dog to get under control was a little chihuahua/pug mix we found in a parking lot. My wife thought he was going to be her little lap dog. When I finally caught him after a 25 minute chase he bit me on the finger. He was scared to ride in the car. Still barfs every now and then if I feed him less than 6 hours before we leave.

This little dog literally sat on the couch for two weeks and growled at us. Obviously he had been on the street for a while and had been abused. Then the light when on in his little head and he figured out he hit the doggie lottery and became my lap dog. He sleeps with us. And takes up half the bed.

Rescue dogs know they've been saved. And pay you back an hundred fold.