Cam plug leaking. Removal and replacement?
Also assuming you're going to address the head gasket issues...
Please elaborate on the head gasket.I thought something didn't look right, but it was getting late, and I didn't have time to examine them closely yet.
Like I said, my buddy Tim Morris (RIP) built the long block. I noticed some of the head bolts seemed like they broke loose too easy.
The rich condition is probably mostly from choke issues I have had the last couple weeks. I got the choke all out of whack one morning and fought with it the week I had to drive the car to work.
Could it build up that much carbon from that?
Do I really need to tear it all the way down and deglaze?
The cylinders were wiped down before the pics, I had coolant dribble in a few, and wiped it up real quick.
Thanks for the help guys!
Roy, I will pm you. Double Thanks for the offer!