Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have the Blues Brothers album in vinyl at work. It's got to be worth sumthin!

My grandma's house was almost in that movie... If they would have gone two more houses in the chase scene before they went to the mall parking lot, they would have gotten her house in the view... They filmed on her street at night after midnight and they stopped the scene just before her house... It's the street with the grass divider between the two sides... That's the only street with grass in the middle like that in the neighborhood... Courtland Avenue... Only 5 minutes from O'hare Airport... 2nd stop on the L-train from O'hare...

They paid everybody on her street $10 - $20 per night to leave the porch lights on all night while they filmed it... I believe they did that for 3 days or so...

Here's the scene: