Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well give me your two cents worth. A few months ago took the exhaust manifolds off, they needed cleaned up and re-painted. Looked on FABO and choose Bill Hirsch manifold paint. I bead blasted them and sprayed them off with a air hose. Took them and put two coats paint on in the recommended time listed on the can. Let them sit 24 hours, and baked them in the oven at 350 or whatever the can said for 30 minutes. Looked great, put them on the car and drove it a few times. Last week noticed the driver side is flaking. It is in the spot I'd of carried them in my hand....and no I wasn't wearing gloves, my bad.
I called the paint company and asked a few questions. Besides wearing gloves, they said before painting I should of wiped them down with a lacquer thinner type product. Been nice if they put that on the can. Anyway, thinking all I need to do is light wire brush, wipe it down, and repaint it. I really don't want to pull them off again. Oh yea and wear gloves!! Sound good??